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The monthly update on research administration and finance for
leading scientists in all fields.

Principal Investigator Advisor monthly newsletter is the official periodical of the Principal Investigators Association (a not-for-profit corporation). Principal Investigators Association has partnered with world-renowned publishing company Research Resources Inc., publishers of Principal Investigator Advisor, to make this information-packed newsletter available to all members. This newsletter, which normally sells for $267, is included free with your membership.

Editorial Stance: Principal Investigator Advisor is independent and unbiased. It is not affiliated with any other group, or with any government agency, institution, foundation, vendor or supplier. It is funded mainly by revenue from dues.

The newsletter presents practical, useful information on down-to-earth topics related to the non-science responsibilities of a principal investigator in all fields of research. These include: managerial, administrative and financial roles. Examples are: grant writing, employee supervision, assuring research integrity, regulatory compliance, animal welfare, mentoring graduate students, lecturing, preparing reports and articles, budgeting and auditing, public relations, service on committees, etc.

Content includes “best practices,” case histories of successes and failures, “how to” advice, columns by experts, question-and-answer sections, etc. The material is gathered by reporters and editors who interview experts worldwide from all pertinent disciplines. Occasional columnists appear, as do answers to reader questions. A distinguished, multi-disciplinary editorial advisory board serves as a resource for the editor, providing suggestions for topics and interviews.

Here is the kind of help you will get month after month with PIA:

Write a better application for your next grant Strategies to get your papers published
Avoid effort reporting pitfalls Avoiding conflicts of interest
Effectively mentor your grad students Defending at site visits
Preparation techniques for the next budget Sharper interviewing and recruiting to get the candidates you need
Tips for supervising the techs More mileage from scientific meetings
Best practices for cost transfers, cost sharing, & cost allocation How to avoid losses from sharing F&A dollars
Ensure animal welfare compliance Survive an audit
Guarantee research integrity Win more space and resources
Curtail committee meetings
Maximize your Fed dollar support

Would you like for your entire institution to receive Principal Investigators Advisor? Institutional Discounted Rates will give each individual access to each monthly issue, our complete archive of back issues, and our weekly P.I. eAlert bulletin.

To get the discounted institutional rate, call Sharonda Thompson at (800) 303-0129 ext. 506.

Principal Investigator Advisor monthly newsletter

One Year (12 Monthly Issues

Introductory Annual Subscription: $199.00
(Regular Price $367)

YES! Please enter my subscription to Principal Investigator Advisor monthly newsletter (electronic version) for 12 months at the Introductory Discount Rate of $199.

(worth $199) Also enroll me at no additional charge for 12 months as an individual member of Principal Investigators Association (a $199 value). Grant me all discounts, forum access, and special reports to which members are entitled.

Want to speak with our newsletter specialist? Call Sharonda Thompson at 800-303-0129 ext 506.

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