
NIH Grant Success: The Importance of Impact

  • On-Demand Webinar: NIH Grant Success - Understanding the Importance of Impact
  • Available in CD, MP3, or PDF Transcript

Understanding the Importance of Impact

Get expert advice on the key difference between impact and significance and what it means to your grant proposal. Dr. Dorothy Lewis will give you strategies for writing a stronger impact section including examples of proven words to use.

Walk-away from this webinar with the particulars of the new scoring system and how impact is the key component for NIH funding. You will understand how your grant will fit into the portfolio of your institute and strategies to improve impact if your record is weak. 

Tips & Tricks of the Impact Section:

• Why significance doesn’t equal impact in your grant proposal
• Proven words to succinctly and potently state your the impact 
• Tips on how-to balance creative with feasibility
• Techniques to overcome a weaker record
• Strategies for selecting the right study section for your proposal


  • CD with audio and handouts — Price: $197 Now Only $129!
  • MP3 audio file only — Price: $197 Now Only $129!
  • PDF Transcript only — Price: $197 Now Only $129!
Featured Presenter:

Dr. Dorothy E. Lewis NIH expert, Dr. Lewis has years of experience with the NIH application system and new methods of review, which focus greatly on IMPACT. She has had continuous NIH funding since 1985, experiencing both times of multiple grants and times of reduced funding. She has participated in multiple review panels related to HIV or flow cytometry in the 90s. She served on the NIAID council from 2002-2006, on the DAIDS subcommittee, which exposed Dr. Lewis to policy matters and how topics are chosen by program. She currently is a member of the AIDS Immunology and Pathogenesis study section (2007-2011) and became chair in 2009.

This Webinar presentation is brought to you as a training tool by the Principal Investigators Association, which is an independent organization. The presentation, tools presented and their contents are not connected with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), nor are they endorsed by this agency. All views expressed are those personally held by the presenter and are not official government policies or opinions.