NIH Institutional Support: Use Your
Environmental Section to Convince Reviewers
60-Minute On-Demand Webinar Available in CD, MP4 or PDF Transcript.
This Webinar is a part of the “NIH Grant Application 10-Part Webinar Series.” Click here to learn more!
or Call 1-800-303-0129 ext. 506
The revised NIH grant application form now demands specific information regarding how your environment uniquely contributes to your research’s success. This new requirement — one of the five key criteria the agency scrutinizes as part of the review process — is both an opportunity and a challenge.
This uniquely focused webinar will review the specific information NIH expects and how reviewers process it. It will also give you hints and strategies for using this section to further set your application apart and enhance your chances of success.
Key Webinar Take-Aways:
- Highlight what is important and unique about your research
- Succinctly differentiate your environment from your competitors’
- Demonstrate institutional commitment, particularly if you’re an Early Stage Investigator
- Describe your environment and equipment in an engaging way to keep the reader’s interest
- Express independence, if an Early Stage or New Investigator
- Avoiding pitfalls: What to include and what to omit
Limited-Time Offer!
- CD-ROM with PDF Handouts — Reg. Price: $197. Now: Only $99!
- MP4 with PDF Handouts — Reg. Price: $197. Now: Only $99!
- PDF Transcript with Handouts — Reg. Price: $197. Now: Only $99!
Dr. Karin Rodland, is currently a member of the Integration Panel for the U.S. Army CDMRP Ovarian Cancer Research Program. She serves on the U.S. HUPO Board of Directors and the editorial board of Cancer Biomarkers and Cancer Genomics and Proteomics. She holds several patents relating to detection of nucleic acid sequences. She has been active in cancer research for over 25 years, continuously funded by the NIH. She was an associate professor in the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology at Oregon Health Sciences University prior to joining a major national laboratory, where she currently serves as chief scientist for biomedical research. Dr. Rodland has served on many NIH study sections and acted as chair of the Tumor Progression review panel for the California Breast Cancer Research Program in 2006-2007. |
This Webinar presentation is brought to you as a training tool by the Principal Investigators Association, which is an independent organization. The presentation, tools presented and their contents are not connected with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), nor are they endorsed by this agency. All views expressed are those personally held by the presenter and are not official government policies or opinions.