
Grants Management: Key Tactics for Effective Monitoring

60-Minute On-Demand Webinar Available in CD, MP4 and PDF Transcript.

How often do you currently monitor the work performed by others, especially subawardees? If this hasn’t been on your priority list lately, you should know that this area is very susceptible to audits and as a PI you bear significant responsibility for any oversight. Normally, the sponsored programs office structures subaward agreements but as the PI, you play the key role of defining the work to be done. Monitoring efforts should be put into place right at the beginning to not only demonstrate performance to agreed-upon deliverables but also to be able to take corrective action should things go awry.

Additionally, the regulations associated with cost-sharing and matching funds have changed in recent years and the monitoring and tracking of both can become problematic unless you have a solid monitoring system in place.

During this information-packed webinar, your expert presenter, Dr. Michael Lesiecki, uncovers the key features PI’s need to include to build a successful monitoring system. Learn what auditors look for as evidence of adequate or inadequate monitoring practices, quickly identify high risk areas that require extra monitoring, and walk-away with effective strategies to implement when things go wrong.

5 Key Take-Aways:

  • How to construct solid statements of work for sub recipient effort
  • What to require as documentation and reporting for performance to deliverables
  • When to conduct a subrecipient site visit and what to look for
  • What auditors look for as evidence of adequate or inadequate monitoring practices
  • What to do when things go wrong – teaming with your office of sponsored research to take corrective action

Who Should Attend:

PI’s, Research Teams, Grants Management, Sponsored Program Office and Administrative personnel. This series can and will catalyze a strong working relationship with grants accounting, grants management, research and the PI’s team.

Pricing for this Webinar ONLY:

- MP4 File with PDF Handouts — Price: $179  Now: $99!

- CD-ROM with PDF Handouts — Price: $179  Now: $99!

- PDF Transcript with Handouts — Price: $179  Now: $99!


5-Part Webinar Series Pricing:

Order the entire 5-Part series TODAY for only $299, a savings of $700 (reg. price $999).

PLUS! Get the Principal Investigator Advisor Library, including 100+ unique articles designed to make your lab
management and grant-writing responsibilities more efficient and lucrative, a $328 value, yours FREE!

Click here to order the 5-part series.

Meet Your Presenter:

Michael Lesiecki, PhD, is the principal investigator for a large grant from the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education program. He has 27 peer-reviewed journal publications and one patent. He received his PhD in Physical Chemistry from Oregon State University. He was a Research Professor at the University of Utah and an Associate Professor at the University of Puerto Rico. At Exxon Research and Engineering, Dr. Lesiecki worked as a Senior Scientist and at Candela Laser Corporation he was the Director of the Bioscience Division. He authored successful NIH Small Business Innovation Research proposals at Candela. Dr. Lesiecki currently serves on proposal review committees for the NSF, Department of Education and Department of Labor.

This Webinar presentation is brought to you as a training tool by the Principal Investigators Association, which is an independent organization. The presentation, tools presented and their contents are not connected with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), nor are they endorsed by this agency. All views expressed are those personally held by the presenter and are not official government policies or opinions.