As you reach various milestones in your career you are faced with numerous challenges. From putting together an A+ research team, to giving stellar oral presentations, to implementing time management tactics that can significantly impact the success of your research project—this Webinar collection offers everything you need to overcome current roadblocks and delays, while preparing you for the most complex scenarios you will face during the course of your academic research career.
With over 7 hours of targeted instruction for career scientists, this one-of-a-kind collection is a must!
Click on the short video below to find out how you can benefit from this Collection!
The 6 Webinars in your collection include…
Time Management for Researchers: Getting Your Time Organized and Keeping It That Way! 2-Hr. On-Demand Webinar available in CD, MP4 or PDF Transcript.
We all have only 24 hours in a day and must make the most of each minute. Managing multiple priorities in the time available while keeping our balance regarding personal goals and commitments is a challenge every busy researcher faces. Sometimes those who have a significant research contribution in the lab also have competing priorities and commitments.
When things work, it is a pleasure to belong to a well-oiled, highly effective and efficient team. However, when one member inefficiently wastes time, everyone suffers. To function properly and effectively, your laboratory needs to know what it is required to accomplish, who is going to do it, and by when.
During this 2-hour live Webinar, your expert presenter provides key concepts and practical suggestions and tips to make effective use of every minute of the day. Several time-management strategies, such as how to manage a meeting agenda or a time-wasting boss, will be described and illustrated. Practical approaches to assess the time management challenges will also be shared as well as what can be done about them. Conquer the time wasters that are slowing you down and make every minute count!
Key Take-Aways:
How to develop and keep a flexible schedule
How to build meeting agendas, assign action items and follow through
How to delegate and to whom
Defining priorities and following through to keep your research moving
Recognizing and overcoming productivity blocks
Learning how to set SMART objectives and then planning around them
How to identify and eliminate time wasters
Who Should Attend:
All who must schedule resources, personnel and assets, throughout the day or week. PIs, post-docs, and graduate students would benefit from learning how best to manage their time and multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment.
Award-Winning Communications for Scientists: Oral Presentations That Work! 60-Minute On-Demand Webinar available in CD, MP4 or PDF Transcript.
Large, national, or multi-national audiences do not need to intimidate a presenter. Sometimes, fear is good and can be a healthy motivator. “The key lies in preparation” many say, but what does it really mean to “prepare”? And, what are important principles and action steps that will allow you to become more confident?
Often times, PIs copy text, tables, and charts from their written manuscript, add a few slides and show up at the conference – just in time to walk to the podium and present! Is this really the most effective way to prepare and deliver important research findings? Probably not. Much of the pre-work starts with how you incorporate the data, that is, tables, charts, and graphs, into a well-thought-out story. Data needs to be simplified and presented clearly. Just as important are engagement techniques, which ensure the presentation is meaningfully received by the audience.
During this insightful Webinar, your expert presenter will highlight the key steps and practical tips you can apply to become a successful presenter at regional and national scientific conferences. A standard meeting approach will also be discussed that will enliven your presentation, engaging your audience and making you a hit. Additionally, ten key tips will be provided, that when followed will make you a success at conference presentations!
5 Key Take-Aways:
Before walking to the podium: knowing how to organize your presentation and why
Understanding the key factors that inspire and engage audiences
10 Tips for making any national presentation a hit!
How to make your pre-conference work yield successful results at the conference
Essential presentation skills to achieve success at any oral presentation
Who Should Attend:
Anyone presenting their findings at a local, regional or national show or conference. This could include graduate and post-doctoral students and researchers, principle investigators and project administrators.
Balancing Multiple Priorities in the Lab: Maximizing Your Research, Teaching and People Skills 60-Minute On-Demand Webinar available in CD, MP4 or PDF Transcript.
As the leader of your team you are expected to handle an infinite task list wherein everything (and everyone) demands to be a priority. With reduced budgets and less free time, a day in a life of a researcher can seem like a nightmare. From teaching, to leading your research, to dealing with staff issues, it is no wonder your clear-thinking and your project’s progress are often jeopardized.
Because of their widely disparate nature, these tasks can make a normal schedule extremely hectic for even the most experienced researcher. So how can a PI address the challenges of balancing essential priorities while reserving time to write additional proposals or to reflect on the progress of projects currently producing top-flight data?
This balance-driven Webinar will explore the skills needed to be successful, which include good communications, organization, maximizing available energy, and focus. Practical tips will be discussed to allow for handling more work in less time, how delegation really saves time, and what strong teams can do to alleviate stress.
5 Key Take-Aways:
Tips to minimize the stress of classroom management, like conflicts and student issues
Practical steps to mentor student researchers allowing for more cohesive teams
Five essential steps in delegating projects to researchers, including grant writing
Four essential skills needed by any modern researcher to assist in addressing research and classroom priorities
Planning tips to alleviate last minute time conflicts
Who Should Attend:
Principal investigators managing growing projects and challenging responsibilities.
How to Build a Solid Research Project in the Modern Lab Environment 60-Minute On-Demand Webinar available in CD, MP4 or PDF Transcript. Bonus FREE recording of the same in your preferred format: CD, MP4 or PDF Transcript. It is not necessary to attend the live event to get your free format.
This comprehensive, project-based Webinar will help you develop solid techniques for organizing work and workers in the modern laboratory while keeping time and objectives in perspective.
Managing a research project can become a daunting challenge at any time, but as you try to effectively manage time, resources and people, working in the modern laboratory provides unique barriers which can easily hurt your project’s chances for success.
In this thorough discussion, your expert presenter will help you develop key techniques to assist researchers and principal investigators to organize any project or task while optimizing time and resources. The challenges presented by scheduling precious resources, interactions with multinational researchers, and assessing risks will all be addressed. You will walk away with expert tactics you can implement right away.
5 Key Take-Aways:
Developing a work-flow process to organize any project or task
Enhanced understanding of how effective projects make best use of available people and other resources
The nitty-gritty of organizing any research project and deciding when done is in fact done
Creating reasonable and effective schedules for laboratory work
Determining risk and developing strategies to manage risk in a laboratory project
Who Should Attend:
All Prinicipal Investigators who are challenged by converting vague concepts and ideas into solid plans to accomplish tasks, goals in the modern research organization.
Inspirational Bench Leadership: Developing an “All-Star” Lab Team 60-Minute On-Demand Webinar available in CD, MP4 or PDF Transcript.
Leadership in the laboratory is essential for smooth-running operations and healthy relationships. However, many lab managers are often faced with the daily challenge of providing results while being conscious of the need to develop “rising stars” in the lab. It has been proven that investing time early in the career of researchers will pay dividends later, for the project, the individual, and the PI. So what can lab managers do to foster individual growth and effectiveness while maintaining a high level of efficiency in the lab?
During this team-driven Webinar, your expert presenter will show you how to develop leadership skills which will allow you to grow and nurture high-performance bench workers: analysts, technicians, chemists, and others. This Webinar will center on key concepts for successful discussions, coaching sessions, and mentoring, while providing practical communications techniques that can make a lab manager’s life easier when dealing with complex issues in the laboratory.
5 Key Take-Aways:
Developing “bench strength”—How to develop and maintain a viable and systemic project
Are you a good leader?—PI’s provide direction and instruction, but is that good leadership?
Key factors to make every conversation a positive one—Why mentor & mentee relationships provide the basis for team strength
What happens when you have to “bench” someone—Expert strategies to guide you every step
How to prepare a winning team through mentoring—Strategies to move your team closer to a well-oiled machine
Who Should Attend:
Scientists and Principal Investigators who oversee high-performance teams of researchers and technicians.
How to Give an Award-Winning Data Rich Presentation 60-Minute On-Demand Webinar Available in CD, MP4 and PDF Transcript.
The success of your live presentation doesn’t just depend on your public speaking style, but also on how engaging the content being presented is. For scientists, data rich presentations pose a unique challenge because they are often perceived as dull and uninspiring with most of the content focusing strictly on results. The truth is that motivating and engaging a broad audience is difficult to accomplish with just data.
For starters, to make your data rich presentations “come alive” you need to make sure you and your message, and not your PowerPoint slides, take center stage.
During this interactive Webinar your expert presenter will explore how scientists can effectively present data and results in an exciting, convincing manner. This session will empower the participant to seek new and interesting ways to present charts, graphs, and results while telling a story that ties the many parts together. Walk away with several expert techniques to enliven talks, engage audiences, and make your presentation a hit!
5 Key Take-Aways:
How “storytelling” and “science” can work together to make your data presentation come alive
Ten simple steps to wow your audience with your PowerPoint slides
Key strategies for mastering audience contact—why making a connection matters
Inspirational speaking approaches you can use to successfully engage and motivate your audience
How to craft powerful and effective conclusions—why your final words are key
Who Should Attend:
Scientists and other thought leaders who must effectively present data, results, and proposals to funding agencies, to scientists at national meetings, and to peer groups.
Meet Your Presenter:
Rick Parmely. After teaching undergraduate chemistry at West Point and Juniata College, Rick joined Restek in 1997 and currently directs their technical education program. He teaches chemistry and separation science theory through the Restek Learning Network (RLN), and coaches other RLN instructors in public speaking. He taught Public Speaking to doctoral and post-doctoral students at Yale, Columbia, and Rockefeller Universities, as part of a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Program. Recently, Rick presented a full-day, communications workshop at The Pittsburgh Conference. With 25-plus years of teaching experience, Rick has taught science and communications courses to widely diverse audiences, including NATO officials, technicians at the U.N. Pesticides Laboratory in Austria, and scientists at the University of Nairobi.
Limited-Time Offer Until Oct. 28th!
Purchase the entire Webinar collection for only $399 $229 (a $999 value)!
4 Easy Ways to Order This Collection.
For your On-Demand Webinars: CDs are mailed within 48 hours via US Mail, MP4 and PDF Transcripts are emailed from [email protected] within 48 hours.
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If you have questions or would like to speak to our Webinar specialist, please call 800-303-0129 ext 506.
These Webinar presentations are brought to you as a training tool by the Principal Investigators Association, which is an independent organization. The presentation, tools presented and their contents are not connected with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), nor are they endorsed by this agency. All views expressed are those personally held by the presenter and are not official government policies or opinions.