Principal Investigators Association

Export Controls: Considerations for the

Academic Community


Export controls may seem to concern only businesses and shipping firms that send products and technologies overseas. But academic research plays an integral role — and your institution could easily come under fire for violating these laws if you don’t have strict compliance procedures in place.

Export controls enforcement activities on American university campuses have increased exponentially since 9/11. Campus visits by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Immigration and Customs agents, who lack understanding of academic research culture, have disrupted and unnerved research faculty and students.

Avoid the most common export compliance pitfalls by taking advantage of this unique instructional pack!

New Special Report:

Export Controls & Academic Research: Know Your Compliance Responsibilities
(a $199 value)

This 20-pg. special report has been designed to help you better understand — and make the right choice between — the rules and regulations associated with exported materials and technology associated with your research.

Must-have, step-by-step expert guidance includes:

  • Danger Zones: Avoid the Most Common Export Compliance Pitfalls
  • Navigate the Export Controls Exclusions
  • Take Action: How to Prevent PIs From Violating Export Controls
  • ITAR and EAR Comparison
  • Sample Document: Screening Questions for
    Foreign Researchers, and more!

Available in digital format or print.
Please add $20 for print.

On-Demand Webinar:

Export Controls: Considerations for the Academic Community
(a $197 value)

This provocative 60-minute Webinar is a primer on export controls. It explores the regulatory basis for the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and sanctions under the Office of Foreign Assets Controls (OFAC)—specifically the ramifications for academic research as a “deemed export.”

Key Take-Aways:

  • Identify commonly occurring issues that could pose export controls compliance concerns
  • Articulate the researcher’s role in ensuring export controls compliance
  • Gain awareness of good practices for complying
    with U.S. export controls laws when working or traveling abroad, and much more.

Choose your preferred format: CD, MP3 or PDF Transcript.

Two products, unparalleled advice, 1 super low rate — 

only $129! (a $395 value!)


The informational products above are brought to you as a training tool by the Principal Investigators Association, which is an independent organization. The products presented and its contents are not connected with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or the National Science Foundation (NSF), nor are they endorsed by these agencies. All views expressed are those personally held by the author and are not official government policies or opinions.