Lab management issues can range from simple staff conflicts and authorship dilemmas to assuring lab animal welfare. These everyday distractions may seem insignificant in comparison to the work at hand, but if they aren’t addressed timely and properly they will escalate and become the culprits behind diminished team morale and project delays. Take a proactive approach today by implementing the time-tested advice found inside this “Lab Management Executive Report Library.” It features 4 must-have, easy-to-read executive reports in PDF format and 2 bonus Webinars in MP4 format. |
Research Lab Management Challenges and Solutions Lab management challenges can come in many forms — from disruptive and manipulating staff to slow performers and low productivity. Yet in many cases, your own management style could be the culprit behind an unhappy team — without you realizing it. As a PI, identifying potential problems in your lab early on is only half the battle. Knowing how to handle these challenges and having the tools necessary to properly resolve them can make all the difference. Inside this 24-pg. special report, you will get answers to these every day lab management questions, among others:
Intellectual Property & Patents How do you go from a discovery in your laboratory to intellectual property (IP) on a balance sheet? It’s trickier than many would guess. A scientist might assume something isn’t IP when it very well might be, or just the reverse. If you are concerned about creating and protecting IP, this 55+ pg. Special Report — “Intellectual Property & Patents: Vital Facts Every PI Needs to Know” — is a treasure chest of tips, tactics and advice you simply can’t ignore. Inside this executive report you will get answers to these every day questions, among others:
Research Paper Authorship: Expert Comments on Vexing Questions Experts generally agree that the decision on when to get your results into print should be driven by the science — not simply your desire to see your name in the high-end journals as often as possible. For this 35-pg special report, our editors have selected for you the most helpful authorship-related items that appeared in the pages of Principal Investigator Advisor monthly eNewsletter. This unique assembly is a treasure chest of tips, tactics and advice for any investigator concerned with author order, publishing and plagiarism. Find answers to these every day questions:
Expert Advice on 17 Challenges in Assuring Laboratory Animal Welfare If you’re involved in, or concerned with, the proper treatment of laboratory animals, these tips, tactics and advice will help you bolster your compliance with pertinent rules and regulations. This executive report focuses on these critical animal-welfare issues—care, handling and research. Inside this 46-pg. report, you’ll find answers to troublesome, real-world situations including:
How to Build an Effective Lab Team Communication Environment This team-driven Webinar will examine the characteristics of supportive and defensive communication environments as well as how specific communication behaviors impact clinical research team function. Drawing from her experiences as a clinical research lab supervisor and communication scholar, your expert presenter will give you real-life examples to study how group dynamics can influence the communication environment and overall team productivity. 5 Key Take-Aways:
Motivating Scientists: Best Practices in Leading People Getting the most out of your staff is critical to your research. Developing, and maintaining, a high level of motivation in your lab is critical to your research success. Don’t let laziness, overwhelming egos, and troublesome scientists get in the way. Learn how to lead with confidence and get the most out of your research project. You are the leader. It is time for more effective leadership! Your lab will, at some point, get thrown into turmoil. Personality conflicts will undermine teamwork, discrimination will isolate group members, and the creativity essential to great work will vanish. Effective leadership will make your research a success. Are you prepared? Walk away with evidence-based best practices. We’ve teamed up with author Alice Sapienza to give you first-hand case studies and best practices from the lab. Alice has written extensively on the topic and knows exactly the frustration you’re experiencing, and will offer proven methods to motivate your scientists.
Limited-Time Offer Valid Until August 30th! Order your Library by August 30th for only $179 (a $499 value) and receive a complimentary copy of Order online, call 800-303-0129 ext. 506 or fax or mail your order in today! |
This instructional library is brought to you as a training tool by the Principal Investigators Association, which is an independent organization. The information presented and its contents are not connected with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or the National Science Foundation (NSF), nor are they endorsed by these agencies. All views expressed are those personally held by the author and are not official government policies or opinions. |