Individuals who rise to leadership positions in organizations generally do so partly because they can express ideas orally and in writing in persuasive, concise ways. Stated another way, it’s hard to get a group of people excited about an idea or a new product or a research objective, if these things cannot be communicated in a compelling way.
During this inspiring Webinar, your expert presenter will examine the basis for unclear writing and offer insightful ways scientists can enhance their writing abilities and achieve outstanding results.
5 Key Take-Aways:
- Understanding of why writing is bad and why PIs often write poorly (this may not be as obvious as you think)
- How to recognize and prevent redundancy in your work
- How to write a clear sentence—make every word count
- How to write clear paragraphs—the power behind proper word usage and beyond
- How to continually improve your writing—new approaches that work!
Presented by:
Dr. Christopher Dant is a faculty instructor at Dartmouth Medical School. Before coming to Dartmouth, Dr. Dant was a Projects Director at the Stanford Medical School for grants and manuscripts and served as the Director of Medical Publications at Genentech in California.
90-minute Webinar available in CD-Rom, MP4 and PDF Transcript.
Purchase this 90-Minute Webinar ONLY for $197.
Do you want to streamline the process of writing multi-investigator papers, reports, proposals, and books? Do you spend a lot of time formatting documents instead of thinking and writing?
During this insightful Webinar, your expert presenter provides an easy-to-learn system that streamlines individual and collaborative writing, allowing you and your teams to instantly become more productive and create the highest quality documents in a minimum amount of time. You’ll see how to ensure compatibility among multiple writers, achieve consistent formatting, organize content, and much more.
5 Key Take-Aways:
- How to automate numbering and formatting for headings, figures, tables, equations, and citations
- Using advanced features of Microsoft Word to match the functionality of LaTeX
- Working with advanced math in Microsoft Word
- Maximizing Microsoft Word, MathType and EndNote capabilities
- How to organize your team to make information flow smoothly between documents and participants
Presented by:
Alexander V. Mamishev holds a Ph.D. from MIT with a minor in Technology Management from Harvard Business School and MIT Sloan School of Management. Professor Mamishev is a highly respected speaker in his field and has many speaking engagements throughout the world on the topic of his integrative, team-centered approach to writing and formatting technical documents.
60-minute Webinar available in CD-Rom, MP4 and PDF Transcript.
Purchase this 60-Minute Webinar ONLY for $147.
During this insightful Webinar participants will learn how to prepare scientific articles for publication in peer-reviewed, biomedical journals. The function, content, and organization of each part of the article are examined in detail, and common problems in preparing each part are discussed.
Specific advice will be given on how to write titles, abstracts, introductions, and discussions. Participants will also be introduced to documentation required to meet evidence-based medicine reporting requirements.
Ethical issues of conducting and publishing clinical research—such as authorship, plagiarism, industry-sponsored research, and duplicate publication—are also addressed.
5 Key Take-Aways:
- The importance of following the journal’s instructions for authors
- The criteria defining authorship, plagiarism, and duplicate publication
- Specific approaches to writing titles, abstracts, introductions, and discussions
- An understanding of the factors influencing a journal editor in accepting an article
- Awareness and location of reporting guidelines for evidence-based medicine
Presented by:
Tom Lang has been a technical or medical writer/editor since 1975. In addition to being the Manager of Medical Editing Services for the Cleveland Clinic for many years, he was also a Senior Scientific Writer at the Evidence-based Practice and Cochrane Centers at the New England Medical Center/Tufts University.
60-minute Webinar available in CD-Rom, MP4 and PDF Transcript.
Purchase this 60-Minute Webinar ONLY for $147.
All grants, whether small-scale, collaborative or multi-disciplinary require excellent teamwork, management plans, a comprehensive and persuasive budget narrative, and overall high quality writing. Fortunately, a professional grant writer can provide the expertise needed to enhance your proposal’s competitiveness and success.
During this how-to webinar, your expert presenter will offer detailed and practical information on the circumstances and types of proposals that would benefit from working with an experienced professional grant writer, ways to identify and hire a suitable grant writer, tactics to collaborate effectively, what a professional grant writer can and cannot do, and how to avoid pitfalls and problems with such a resource person.
5 Key Take-Aways:
- Clearly identify whether or not your proposal requires the assistance of a professional grant writer
- Understand which characteristics to look for and how to hire the best one
- Overcome time-wasters by applying best practices for collaborating with a professional grant writer
- How to prepare competitive grant applications by integrating and merging high-quality writing styles
- Recognize mistakes and pitfalls in using a professional grant writer, and how to avoid them
Presented by:
Dr. Marjorie Piechowski has more than 25 years of experience in faculty grant development, research administration and technical writing at three Midwestern universities. Additionally, she has over 15 years of experience as an independent grant writer for clients across the United States, resulting in over $12 million in awards for clients.
60-minute Webinar available in CD-Rom, MP4 and PDF Transcript.
Purchase this 60-Minute Webinar ONLY for $147.