Principal Investigators Association

The R01 Research Project Grant is by far the most heavily-funded grant mechanism at the National Institutes of Health — with nearly $1.6 billion awarded last year — the success rate for R01 applications is less than 15%.  The R01 — along with other NIH mechanisms — is only continuing to become increasingly competitive. In order to make your proposal stand out and inspire reviewers to push your application forward, you need all the edge you can get.

Start here! This unique educational pack offers insight from experts in the field, as well as secrets from successful applicants you won’t find anywhere else.  Read below to learn about each of the products inside this educational pack:


Insider Tips to Win R01 Funding: Reviewers & Successful
Applicants Share Their Secrets (a $149 value)

Get ahead of the competition today by following the expert guidance found inside this executive report. It includes over 20 pages of how-to information, mistakes to avoid, strategies to help you score big with reviewers and much more!

Read this 20-Page Executive Report to Gain Expert Insight on:

  • How You Present Your Work Can Make or Break Your R01 Proposal
  • How to Make Your Specific Aims Shine
  • Impressing Reviewers with Your ‘Impact’: Will the Results of Your Proposed Work Have Great Meaning?
  • Nail Your Approaches: Avoid These Serious Mistakes
  • Tout Your Innovation: Don´t Miss Your Chance to Get Reviewers on Board
  • How R01 Compares to Other Research Grants

Format: 20-page executive report in PDF format.












R01 Grant Preparation: What You Should Know Before You Apply (a $197 value)

You may have an amazing research idea that will shake the very roots of the scientific world, but if it does not meet the requirements set o ut by the NIH and its Institutes, Centers and Offices (ICOs), your application will not get past the initial review.

The more time and effort you put into your planning process, the more effective it will be and the more smoothly your proposal writing will be. Every grant application requires a great deal of information, work and time, and planning ahead only helps you to stay focus on your goals.

Key Take-Aways:

  • Effective strategies for developing an RO1 grant
  • Why Impact is everything
  • Creating a writing schedule—what to include
  • Insider tips to develop a targeted Title for your proposal
  • And much more!

Format: 60-Minute On-Demand Webinar available in CD, MP4 or PDF Transcript.











50 Pearls of NIH Grant Application Wisdom (a $49 value)

Finally, there is a useful quick-reference card that you can use to complete your grant proposal and help you get more money from the NIH.

Principal Investigators Association has teamed with grant application experts, to bring you “50 Pearls of NIH Grant Application Wisdom.” Keep this convenient card at your desk, and apply these time-tested tips to your NIH grant application.

Knowing how to maximize the NIH grants process is key to your lab’s success, and getting through the NIH short form maze is even more so. Here is a collection of critical do’s and don’ts that will help you quickly understand the steps you need to take, the missteps to avoid, and the path to follow to get to your NIH grant money.

Whether you are applying for a $10,000 grant or a $1 million grant, these 50 pearls will help get your research funded.

Format: 2-page reference card in PDF format.

Educational Pack—Limited-Time Offer!
Two products, 1 bonus, unparalleled advice all for a super low rate —
Only $149! (a $395 value).

Please note the following for your On-Demand Webinar: PDF Transcripts will be fulfilled within 48 hrs via email. For CD purchases, please allow 5-7 days for delivery. MP4 purchases will be fulfilled within 48 hrs via email. 

PDFs of special report and bonus are sent via e-mail immediately after purchase.

Order Online

This educational pack is brought to you as a training tool by the Principal Investigators Association, which is an independent organization. The information presented and its contents are not connected with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or the National Science Foundation (NSF), nor are they endorsed by these agencies. All views expressed are those personally held by the author and are not official government policies or opinions.