Principal Investigators Association
If you are currently preparing your R01 grant application, are soon to renew an existing grant, or will be seeking NIH funding in the near future look no further. You can now get all the winning strategies you should apply in your next R01 grant application in one place:

NIH R01 Grant Application Mentor: An Educational How-to Manual, 4th Edition.

This manual includes 300 pages of insider guidance divided into 8 thorough sections. Inside this manual you will find:

  • Expert advice for developing your Project Summary/Abstract, Biographical Sketch, Environment section and Research Plan
  • Surefire guidance to ensure your Research Strategy addresses your project’s Innovation, Significance, Approach and Overall Impact
  • Understanding of why your budget’s numbers are almost as important as the words you use to tell your research’s story
  • An insider’s view of special considerations for special agents, human and animal subject
  • The do’s and don’t’s of submitting your grant application
  • A 50-minute recording entitled “Crafting Your R01 Proposal Like the Pros: 10 Insider Tips Revealed,” and much more!

Each section includes checks to ensure you’re following NIH guidelines every step along the way.

Don’t waste your precious time going through vague grant-writing guides. This manual offers everything you need to know to craft a superior proposal, maximizing your chances for NIH R01 funding.

But don’t take our word for it. Hundreds of research professionals are already benefitting from this expert guidance.


A Look Inside Your NIH R01 Grant Application How-to Manual

(click on each section below to learn more):

Section 1: Preparation: What Every PI Should Know Before You Start Applying

Section 2: Successfully Use Your Biosketch and Abstract to Define Your Project and Your Qualifications

Section 3: Prove Your Environment Supports Your Research

Section 4: Research Plan: Make the Most of Your Significance, Innovation, Approach and Overall Impact

Section 5: Special Considerations for Research Involving Humans, Animals or Select Agents

Section 6: Modular and Detailed Budget Strategies That Support Your Proposal

Section 7: Tactics for Submitting a Winning Proposal

Section 8: Understand NIH’s Review Process and Your Role in It

A Look at Your 50-Minute Recording: Crafting Your R01 Proposal like the Pro’s: 10 Insider Tips Revealed (Available in CD, MP4 or PDF Transcript)

During this 50-minute session Dr. Dorothy Lewis shares her top 10 tactics to help you craft a competitive proposal.

Dr. Lewis has a 25-year history of writing grant applications, including vast experience with the new scoring system. Her successful track record for winning grants has given her a valuable “in the trenches” perspective that can benefit you, at whichever stage you find yourself.

Don’t miss out on this invaluable advice from a veteran grant winner!

  • Is RO1 Mechanism Right for You?
  • How to Determine if the Work is HOT!
  • How to Make Specific Aims Count
  • Key Differences Between Impact and Significance
  • The Biggest Mistake Made by Both New and Old Investigators
  • Why Your Writing Style Matters
  • And More!

Limited-Time Offer!

And now you can order your NIH R01 Grant Application Mentor: An Educational How-to Manual,
in PDF format, including your 50-minute how-to recording in CD, MP4 or PDF Transcript

for only $299! (a savings of $400). Print version only $75 more.


Order now and get the “NIH Grant Application Webinar Library” in MP4 format for FREE! (a $775 value).

With over 4 hours of detailed instruction, this Webinar library is filled with unwavering expert guidance for the key areas known to make or break your application´s approval.

  Upon ordering this manual you will automatically receive a PDF (digital) copy.
If you order a print version, please allow 7-10 days for delivery (US and Canada only).
Delivery times for other countries will vary based on your location and cannot be controlled by us.
You will also receive a PDF version when ordering print.

  Regarding Print version shipping costs:
Shipping and Handling to the US and Canada: FREE
Shipping and Handling to the all other International countries: $50.

4 Easy Ways to Order:

Limited-time offer. Valid on NEW orders only.

This mentoring curriculum is an independent resource of expert analysis and option, plus color-coded exact copies of NIH words when they are especially helpful. But our authors also restated key points in more clear language where they felt the government writers strayed into “grey areas” or even bureaucratese. Plus, we’ve supplied actual language from funded grants to show how other PIs have handled challenging zones to help jump start your own proposal.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Please note the following for you 50-minute recording: If you choose the CD format, it will be delivered via mail within 7-10 days. If you chose the MP4 format or PDF Transcript, it will be sent via email within 24-48 hrs.

Manual Format and Shipment: Your manual will be sent to you via the Internet as PDF documents, at no extra charge. PDF (digital) version is available immediately.

Optional Format: If you wish the manual as a printed document, spiral bound, and shipped via mail, please add $75. This price includes shipping and handling. Please allow an extra 7-10 days for delivery.

This manual is brought to you as a training tool by the Principal Investigators Association, which is an independent organization. The presented information is not connected with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or the National Science Foundation (NSF), nor is it endorsed by these agencies. All views expressed are those personally held by the authors and are not official government policies or opinions.